Friday, March 21, 2008

Corned Beef

So what if it's not really eaten in Ireland?

I went to a St. Patrick's Day party on Saturday and had some home made corned beef that was simply outstanding. It has nothing to do with the stuff that shows up on a Ruben at Applebee's. Totally different food. Tender. Tasty. What else can I say? I washed it down with a little Tullamore Dew, my favorite Irish Whiskey. It doesn't have the complexity of a good Single Malt Scotch, but it's smooth and creamy tasting and wonderful.

The Corned Beef was so good that Deana and I were both still craving more on Monday. So we did the only thing we could do; went to Hackenmeullers and bought a nice piece of homemade Corned Beef Brisket. I just finished off the last left overs. Wow, that's some yummy stuff. And all that protein is great for rebuilding muscle fiber. Now if I could just train hard enough to need it.

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