Friday, June 23, 2006

Pun Intended

I'm Back on Track

As I've said before, my spring racing season didn't really turn out the way I wanted. Sickness and family commitments meant that by mid June, I had raced Ken Woods and 2 Opuses (Opi?). The good news was I won Ken Woods. The bad news was I really didn't feel like I had the stuff going.

So I headed into the memorial day weekend and the first part of June committed to turning up the training a couple of notches. I after a couple of painful weeks, I was starting to feel like the high end was coming back. I could repeat high speed efforts without feeling like I was going to hurl. Now I just needed a chance to try it out. One someone else.

Welcome to the track season! Last Thursday, I finally made it to the track. Despite having only ridden once, I got comfortable pretty fast. And scored 2nd over all in the Omnium for Cat 4. This week, I was really back in form. I managed to win the first two events, so I had the Omnium already, since no one else had enough points to catch me in the last event. I thought maybe I'd take it easy and see what developed in the last race and try to place, but not work to hard at it. That's when the dynamics of a race at the NSC Velodrome kicked in.

If you haven't come up to race, you should at least come to watch. There were probably 80 or 90 people in the stands last night. One of the things they've started to do is have the audience pick the winner of a race. They write the number on a slip of paper with their name, drop it in a bucket and at the end of the race they draw names. If you are drawn and you picked the winner, you get a gift certificate to one of the local restaurants.

So, I roll up to the rail, which is where you start the races. I’m sitting on the rail when someone comes over to me. “What’s your number?” Then another person. And another. Ok, fine, now I at least have to try to win. Fortunately for me and one of the people who put my name in the bucket, I did pull off the win. But that tells you what’s so cool about the track: what was the last time a spectator you didn’t even know was rooting for you to win? As a Cat 4? If you like to race crits, you’ll love the track. Come on up and enjoy it while we still have it.

Next stop, Northfield, Hopkins, St. Cloud and a whole bunch of times around the track.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Bike Loser Part 2

Ok, I'm a little better now.

I did a long ride on Sunday afternoon. I averaged almost 21 MPH for over 3 hours. That's pretty hot for me. I think I realized that I'm at about the same stage I was at in early May last year: I could pull like a horse (or Ox), but my high end isn't there yet. I couldn't have done 3 hours at that pace last year, so progress is good. I just need to focus on training my speed skills and my high end power. Which is just where I was last year at the beginning of May. Since I haven't raced much (Ken Woods and 2x Opus), I'm just not there yet.

I forgot how much effort I put into sprinting and repeatability last year. The workouts where I thought I was going to puke, my lungs and legs screaming. Time to get back at it.

The good news: I got child care for Thursday, so time to race the track! See ya there!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Bike Loser

I'm so frustrated I could scream. I just am not motivated to race this spring, except for the track, and I can't seem to make it there. I was going to do the Capital Crit this morning, but I chose not to so that my beautiful wife could do a the Walk for Scleroderma, a benefit walk for a horrible disease that she's committed to every year. Yes, I could have ridden the Open Men 4/5 at 12:30. But the truth is I don't want to.

I really haven't been able to build up like I did last year. Sickness, vacation, conflicts, etc. All excuses, I know. Then I missed two early season road races (Durand and Avon) due to illness. My Opus performances were below where I thought I would be, given that my training sessions are showing I'm stronger than last year at this time. And I'm still bummed on the lack of the 10,000 Lake stage race.

I'm sure I'll get it together. It's just REALLY challenging at the moment. I rode the track yesterday to get my "track legs" back. After a few laps, the banking was feeling comfortable again. Can't wait to get up there to race. This week is:

Alex's Graduation
Aaron's end of year school party
Deana's parents coming into town
Alex's Graduation party
Alex's orientation to St. Kate's, including parents.

Track racing is definitely in danger, but I'm working it.

Ok, I'm done whining. Off to get some miles in and pound out the intervals tomorrow morning.

I'm ready, damn it!