Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The last 500 Meters

Trying to motivate yourself to really go all out when riding on a trainer is not easy. There's no competition. There's no wind in your face or pavement under your wheels. There's no surge with pedal strokes or balanced tension you feel when both wheels are spinning. Music helps, for sure, and I built a play list so that I could alternate intervals and resting with each song. But even the most aggressive songs don't allow me to sustain an all out effort for longer intervals.

So visualization is a requirement. On the road, I can find a spot to sprint for, or visualize trying to close a gap. On the trainer that doesn't work. I have to go for the track. There's 500 meters left and I'm off the front, but not by much. Don't look back. Just keep it buried and try to accelerate even though you can't. I can see the black line and the red line and I can hear the boards and feel the press of the banking.

Visualization works. Now I just have to keep myself from hurling.

1 comment:

tss said...

go michael go! sounds like you're getting in touch with more than just the wheel on the pavement - don't know how i found this blog - but none the less - here i am -
your friend in chi-town (along with hubby and baby amelia)!