Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Cross Training - Much Better

On Sunday, for reasons I still don't completely comprehend, I chose to begin my non-cycling exercise by running a short distance. In my worn out shoes. Even though I hate running. One of my "friends" had convinced me that running was the best way to get ready for the upcoming cross country ski season, since, like cross country, it is weight bearing exercise.

I figured I would run slowly and for a short time. How bad could it be? So I strapped on my heart rate monitor, just to see where I got to, and off I went. I started out with the kids in tow, Aaron and Hannah on their scooters. Then Aaron couldn't keep up on the scooter, so we went home and he got his bike. We went around about 2 blocks and it became obvious that he just wasn't up for this. So I ran maybe a total of 5 blocks between both outings, probably no faster than I could have walked. My heart rate never got over 100 bpm.

I dropped off both kids at home, with 15 minutes under my belt and headed out to get a little more speed on. Except that I was still "taking it easy" and I was still running in my broken down shoes. And when I say broken down, I'm not kidding. The outside edge of one or both shoes is actually coming unstitched from the sole and my sock pokes out periodically. Yes, I know I'm too cheap to buy new shoes. It's hard to get motivated to buy equipment to do something you hate. I ran for maybe 5 minutes. My heart rate was still in the 120's, but my quads hurt so bad that I realized I'd better stop and walk. And so, alternating between walking one minute and running 2 - 3, I completed another 20 minutes or so of exercise, for a grand total of under 40 minutes. Maximum heart rate - 134. Average heart rate - 113. Leg pain, excruciating.

I mean, really bad. My feet hurt, my ankles hurt, my quads hurt, my knees hurt. I couldn't walk down stairs without wincing. This clearly was not going to work. And so plan B came into effect.

The whole point of running was to cross train for cycling (my love) and get ready for cross country skiing (which is also awesome). Enter Craigslist. It occurred to me that people were always getting rid of Nordic Trac machines. I had been thinking about looking for one for about a month or so, but it wasn't pressing as I was still racing. Now it seemed a little more important. Wah-lah! Monday about noon I discovered a classic Nordic Trac Pro on sale in Eagan for $25.00. Great condition. The deal was done and I picked it up Monday night.

For whatever reason, I can't get motivated to ride outside in my cool weather gear. It's cold! I don't like it! I know it's in the 50's an in March I'll be loving it, but right now I'm pouting about not being able to wear shorts. So on Tuesday when I was going to ride, but I was stuffy and didn't want to go out in the cold, my new toy beckoned. Forty-five minutes later, I had averaged 142 bpm, done a solid set of 5 minutes plus at just below threshold, and had hit 161 bpm. Much better! And yes, my legs were sore, but it was the good sore. I have found my transition to skiing and some variety from the bike. I'm even looking forward to getting out on the snow. And dare I say it? I might actually RACE on skis this year for the first time ever.

No more HRM until after Thanksgiving. Maybe some Madison training at the track and some "dry land" ski training at Hyland Hills for variety. Wow. That actually sounds like fun....

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